[MrProject] MrProject v0.10pre features
Mikael Hallendal
2003-04-04 20:35:51 UTC
I'd like to submit a patch to add a new view which is more resource
oriented. Are you interested in that, and if so, where should I send
Sure we are interested, especially if it's useful ;)

Can you describe it some more (screenshot?). Moving further discussions
to mrproject-devel.

You can send the code as a patch (or tarball) to mrproject-devel list
and we'll review the code. Also, make sure you followed the programming
guidelines in:

Mikael Hallendal
Mikael Hallendal ***@codefactory.se
CodeFactory AB http://www.codefactory.se/
Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918
Kurt Maute
2003-04-05 02:29:41 UTC
Apart from bug fixes (in printing and saving mostly) it's a fully
documented libmrproject API, python bindings for libmrproject and
postgresql support for saving/loading projects.
And Save as HTML, almost forgot that :)
Excellent! You guys are making some very good progress.

I'd like to try out the database support feature and add the
knowledge to the user guide, but I'm somewhat challenged in that
area. Is it easy to set up the database? Could you point me in the
right direction?


Kurt Maute

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more
Richard Hult
2003-04-05 08:12:54 UTC
Post by Kurt Maute
Excellent! You guys are making some very good progress.
I'd like to try out the database support feature and add the
knowledge to the user guide, but I'm somewhat challenged in that
area. Is it easy to set up the database? Could you point me in the
right direction?
It's pretty easy, there's a README in mrproject/src/plugins/sql/ that
should explain things a bit.

But, just so you know, the UI for using the database functionality is
not finalized, so things will change before 0.10.

Richard Hult ***@codefactory.se
CodeFactory AB http://www.codefactory.se/
Benjamin BAYART
2003-04-06 17:25:43 UTC
Post by Mikael Hallendal
I'd like to submit a patch to add a new view which is more resource
oriented. Are you interested in that, and if so, where should I send
Sure we are interested, especially if it's useful ;)
Well, I found it usefull for several purposes:
1. It shows if a resource is overloaded (or can show it)
2. It shows if a resource is underloaded
Post by Mikael Hallendal
Can you describe it some more (screenshot?). Moving further discussions
to mrproject-devel.
Well, visually, it looks like a gantt chart but the tree is only on
two levels: first level are the resources, second level are the
assignments. On the line associated with an assignment, the task-bar is
displayed, and on the line associated with a resource, the sum of all
its assignment is displayed.

You have a crennshot attached to this mail.
Post by Mikael Hallendal
You can send the code as a patch (or tarball) to mrproject-devel list
and we'll review the code. Also, make sure you followed the programming
Well, I think I did. The only point is that I did not rewrite the useful
stuff I picked-up in the gantt view, like mg-gantt-header stuff, or

I attached the source of this new view. For now it's named "ttable" for
"TimeTable", as I found no better name for this view. The tarball is to
be expanded in "mrproject/src/view", and one have to had the appropriate
lines in the Makefiles. The warnings of configure/automake about using
.. seemed to be harmless.

As you'll see on the screenshot, I'm also trying to write another view,
but it's not usefull yet. The idea is to have something to fine tune the
planning that is established by MrProject, but it supposes to change
the data-structure in the DTD...

Of course any opinion regarding this are of interest to me :-)


Benjamin BAYART
2003-04-07 09:07:58 UTC
Post by Benjamin BAYART
As you'll see on the screenshot, I'm also trying to write another view,
but it's not usefull yet. The idea is to have something to fine tune the
planning that is established by MrProject, but it supposes to change
the data-structure in the DTD...
Of course any opinion regarding this are of interest to me :-)
A few details about the source I sent:
- I fixed a few bugs this week-end:
* when a project is loaded, the end-date is now properly detected
* when a resource is added, it's now properly detected
- There are still known bugs to be fixed:
* when a resource is removed, it's not detected
* I found no efficient way to handle tasks with no assignments
- There are a lot of improvement to be implemented:
* Assign a task to a resource by a drag'n'drop
* Move a task later/sooner with the mouse
* Display the resource units allocation graphicaly
- There are also improvements which would require to change the
libmrproject backend:
* For a task, allow assignments with begin/end: e.g. resource one
works on the task during the whole thing, and resource two works on
the task only the first week.
* Create assignments in discontinued fashion (like a resource works on
a task every mondays, or things like that).


