Mikael Hallendal
2002-11-09 14:21:47 UTC
lör 2002-11-09 klockan 12.51 skrev P.A.M. van Dam:
have to be very advanced to be useful. If anyone would be interested in
hacking on this I can try to help get the needed hooks in MrProject to
add this feature.
protocol to send the data. Then we can use gnome-pilot to access the PDA
from MrProject and Taskjuggler can use pilot-link directly (it's a
console based tool, right?)
Mikael Hallendal
What would be great to have is the functionality to upload the planned work
schedules for the oncoming workweek to the PDAs (PALM for example) so the
employees have their to-do list. On this list they keep track which
tasks they spent their time on. At the end of the week the PDAs upload
their data to MrProject so the Actual Efforts can be calculated and a
new planning can be generated.
Yes, I agree, this would be a great thing to have. It wouldn't reallyschedules for the oncoming workweek to the PDAs (PALM for example) so the
employees have their to-do list. On this list they keep track which
tasks they spent their time on. At the end of the week the PDAs upload
their data to MrProject so the Actual Efforts can be calculated and a
new planning can be generated.
have to be very advanced to be useful. If anyone would be interested in
hacking on this I can try to help get the needed hooks in MrProject to
add this feature.
Also uploading status reports to the PDA would be great to have.
Right now, I'm working with Taskjuggler. I'll see what MrProject's status
is now.
It would be interested if the PDA part could be shared here and a commonRight now, I'm working with Taskjuggler. I'll see what MrProject's status
is now.
protocol to send the data. Then we can use gnome-pilot to access the PDA
from MrProject and Taskjuggler can use pilot-link directly (it's a
console based tool, right?)
Mikael Hallendal
Mikael Hallendal ***@codefactory.se
CodeFactory AB http://www.codefactory.se/
Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918
Mikael Hallendal ***@codefactory.se
CodeFactory AB http://www.codefactory.se/
Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918